Slovaks in Canada Fašiangova Zábava a Success

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Slovaks in Canada Fašiangova Zábava a Success

By Ondrej Miháľ

The Fašiangova zábava (Ball) held on Jan. 26, 2002 at Sts. Cyril and Methodius Church in Mississauga was an enormous success. The sponsors of the Ball were the more than 47 member organizations of the Slovaks In Canada exhibit. The purpose of the Ball was three fold: to raise awareness for the Slovaks in Canada exhibit, to raise finances for the exhibit, and to have some fun dancing to the Slovak band.  On all three counts it was a great success.

The mood for the evening was set as you entered the hall where three large panels contained samples of some of the numerous photographs, prints and posters depicting Slovak historical events across Canada from Montreal Que to Fernie BC.  More than one person, of the older set, actually remembered some of those historical events!.

The responsibility for the smooth operation of the Ball was undertaken by Mr. Branislav Galat, who organized the people and directed all aspects of this Ball. He was supported by minions of people in the kitchen who prepared the traditional “Zabijačkova večera”, as well as by all those who sold tickets within the community, by those who worked the bar, the 50-50 draw or who co-ordinated the seating in the sold out hall at Sts. Cyril and Methodius Church.

The music was lead by Miro Letko and his band, who worked very hard to integrate the theme of the Slovaks in Canada Exhibit by concentrating on popular Slovak music that most of the crowd found familiar.  I understand that the music played on long after the last call for the evening – a true sign of a successful evening!


The surprise of the evening was a short performance by the Vychodna Slovak Dancers led by Ignac Zajac; who leant their support to the project by performing 4 dance numbers, by both their senior and intermediate dancers. Their presence helped to make the evening a truly authentic Slovak event. 

In all, thanks to the community for supporting ‘Slovaks in Canada’, and a special  thank you to all those volunteers, from many disparate organizations, who pulled together to make this first Ball a success. You know who you are!!.  More than one person recommended that there should be an annual ‘Slovaks in Canada’ Ball, and if all goes well we will see all of you again next January!

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Last update on March 15, 2002