“Slovaks in Canada” Exhibit Committees

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Slovaks in Canada” Exhibit Committees

By Ondrej Miháľ

The ”Slovaks in Canada” exhibit will allow Slovak Canadians to present the complex 120 year history of Slovaks in Canada as a one-time exhibit  in Bratislava, Slovakia in the summer of 2002.  The planned Canadian exhibit  has been broken down into major sections or ”themes” which will facilitate presenting a complex and rich history. The exhibit will be broken up into major themes:

  • a) Historical overview of Slovaks in Canada  would chronicle; through the use of documents, artifacts, photos and text, the 120 year history of Slovaks in Canada; starting in the 1880s and the Canadian prairies through to the present day and the integration of Slovaks into everyday life in Canada.
  • b) Organizational history of various institutions, organizations, churches and clubs would recognize that every major Canadian Slovak community has at one time had their own Benefit Society, church, theatre and dance group or poetry society. The history and key events of each organization will be exhibited.
  • c) The Celebration of the Artistic individuals would deal with the artistic achievements of various artists, sculptors, photographers and painters of Slovak descent in Canada.
  • d) Literary achievements of Slovaks would highlight the literary contributions of both individuals and organizations that have documented the Slovak ethnicity.
  • e) Multimedia presentation of Slovaks in Canada which will present and highlight the photographers and cinematographers in Canada as well as their films and music that have a special Slovak Canadian feeling.  The in-production video ”Slovaks in Canada” is part of this celebration.
  • f) Competitive sport and Slovak presence has been a vehicle through which many Canadians have first been introduced to the fact that Slovaks as a people are different from Czechs.  This ”sports” theme will highlight sports history through to present and show the achievements of those exciting Canadian Slovak players.
  • g) Politics and Political objectives of Slovaks in Canada. will highlight some of the eventful moments when official Canadian institutions have been made aware of the special needs of Slovaks. The most famous event being the demonstrations against the 1968 Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia.
  • As stated before, the ”Slovaks in Canada” Exhibit needs your help in order to make this project a success.  If you have further questions on specifics, you can contact SCCHC at 416-939-3111 or by email at info@slovak.com.

    Výstava ”Slováci v Kanade

    Výstava ”Slováci v Kanade” umožní kanadským Slovákom predstaviť komplex 120-ročnej histórie Slovákov v Kanade prostredníctvom jednorazovej výstavy na Slovensku v Bratislave v lete roku 2002. Plánovaná kanadská výstava bola rozdelená do veľkých sekcií alebo “tém”, ktoré budú vynaliezavo predstavovať komplexnú a bohatú históriu. Výstava bude rozčlenená na tieto veľké oblasti:

  • a) Historický pohľad na Slovákov v Kanade by bol chronologický; s využitím dokumentov, artefaktov, fotografií a textu, 120-ročná história Slovákov v Kanade; počnúc rokom 1880 a kanadskými prériami až do dnešných dní a integráciou Slovákov do každodenného života v Kanade. 
  • b) História vzniku rozličných inštitúcií, organizácií, farností a klubov by mohla umožniť spoznať, že každá veľká slovenská komunita v Kanade mala v danom čase svoju vlastnú dobročinnú spoločnosť, farnosť, divadlo a tanečnú skupinu alebo krúžok poézie. Bude predstavená história a kľúčové udalosti každej organizácie.
  • c) Oslava umeleckých individualít by sa zaoberala umeleckými úspechmi rôznych umelcov, sochárov, fotografov a maliarov slovenského pôvodu v Kanade.
  • d) Literárne úspechy Slovákov by zažiarili cez literárne príspevky jednotlivcov i organizácií, ktoré mali dokumentovať slovenské etnikum.
  • e) Multimediálna prezentácia Slovákov v Kanade, ktorá predstaví i oslávi fotografov a kinematografov v Kanade, ako aj ich filmy a hudbu, ktoré obsahujú zvláštne cítenie) kanadských Slovákov. Súčasťou tejto oslavy je pripravované video “Slováci v Kanade”.
  • f) Športové súťaže a prítomnosť Slovákov sú prostriedkom, cez ktorý mnoho Kanaďanov bolo prvýkrát oboznámených s faktom, že Slováci ako národ sa odlišujú od Čechov. Táto “športová” téma objasní históriu športov až po dnešok a ukáže úspechy týchto zaujímavých kanadsko-slovenských hráčov.
  • g) Politika a politické snaženie Slovákov v Kanade. Bude objasnených niekoľko z rušných momentov, keď oficiálne kanadské inštitúcie boli informované o špeciálnych potrebách Slovákov. Najslávnejšou udalosťou sa stali demonštrácie proti sovietskej invázii do Československa v roku 1968.
  • Ako bolo uvedené už skôr, výstava “Slováci v Kanade” potrebuje Vašu pomoc, aby bol projekt úspešný. V prípade, že máte ďalšie otázky k špecifikácii výstavy, môžete sa skontaktovať s SCCHC na čísle 416-939-3111 alebo e-mailom na adrese info@slovak.com.

Team Players

The Slovaks in Canada Exhibit committee met on April 17, 2001, for its monthly meeting, at Sts. Cyril and Methodius Church in Mississauga. This was a key meeting  to the development of the overall project.  Financial and organizational issues were decided for the project.

The organizational issues centered on the formation of numerous committees whose responsibilities would oversee the different aspects of the Slovaks in Canada project. The job that each committee performs will require experts in the various fields that make up each aspect of the overall project. As such, we are seeking help from the Slovak Canadian community to come out and join the various committees if they feel that they have the expertise that will help make the Slovaks in Canada project a success. We are seeking qualified individuals in the following committees: The Historical and Organization histories of Slovaks in Canada Committee, Arts Committee, Photo-Video-Multimedia Committee, Literary Committee, Book Committee, Financial and Fund raising Committee, Competitive sport Committee and the Politics and Political objectives of Slovaks in Canada Committee.

Every committee needs a leader and we are proud to have Mr. Milan Kovač lead the Competitive Sports Committee, Mr. Tibor Divinec lead the Political Objectives of Slovaks in Canada Committee, Mr. Julius Behul lead the Arts Commitee, and Mr. Ondrej Miháľ leading the Photography and Video Committee.

They and the other Committees need “team players” in order to succeed. If you feel that you have a skill set that would make a difference please contact any of the above individuals or me at 416-939-3111 or by e-mail at info@slovak.com. We need your help in order to succeed, because this exhibit is about every Slovak in Canada!

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Graphics & design of Slovaks in Canada Project pages - Sharon Tomas.
All contents for www.slovaksincanada.ca © 2002, Ondro Mihal
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Last update on March 15, 2002